This content (course) is part of the Foundation Training content category. Please refer to the respective link in the Side Menu for more information on this category and available content in other topics. Like other Foundation Training category courses, ATO Certification is structured in lessons with integrated Progress Assessment Tests (PAT), intended for use as either a self-assessment or formal assessment mechanism to check the levels of performance of the trainees in each lesson and a Course Completion Examination (CCE) assessing trainees' overal course performance. The ATO certification content also includes required differentiations for pilot training organisations based in an EASA Member State and those outside the territories of EASA Member States. In the first case ATO certification falls under the responsibility of the national Civil Aviation Authority while in the second certification is carried out directly by EASA.
Content Profile
Content Code: ATO
Content Aim
To provide trainees with required basic knowledge required for their involvement in the certification of an EASA Approved Pilot Training Organisation (ATO) in accordance with European (EASA) Regulations.
Content Language
Content Description
Training content on ATO certification includes both:
a) the procedures to be followed by the applicant when applying for an EASA ATO approval and how the Competent Authority(*) handles the initial investigation, continuation, change, limitation, suspension or revocation of the approval of the aforementioned organisation according to Aircrew Regulation (EU) 1178/2111 as amended,
b) guidance for the design of applicant’s organisation structure and the preparation of required manuals (Organisation’s Management Manual (OMM), Training Manual (TRM) and Operations Manual (OM)).
Topics of instruction & examination under this course include:
- Application for an EASA ATO Part ORA approval
- Allocation of the investigation team by the Competent Authority(*)
- Initial technical investigation (Documents and compliance declaration, Preparation of the investigation, On site investigation, Recommendation, Issuance of an approval Certificate)
- Time frame
- Organisation structure
- Personnel Requirements
- Operational Requirements
- Documentation System (OMM, TRM,OM), structure, content and format in accordance with Part ORA.ATO requirements
(*) The term "Competent Authority" is used to denote the National Civil Aviation Authority or EASA depending on the location of Pilot Training Organisation.
Trainee Progress Monitoring
Progress Assessment Test(s) (PAT) at the end of of the lesson(s) as well as assignments set by the trainers. PAT are based on multiple choice and open-ended questions similar to those included in the Course Completion Examination (CCE). PAT can be used as either a self-assessment or formal assessment mechanism with recorded test scores and pass levels adjusted by the training provider.
Final Examination Method
Course Completion Examination (CCE) held at the completion of the course for the formal documentation of the performance of the trainees. Based on multiple choice questions with a single correct answer as well as open-ended questions. Examination scores are recorded. The pass levels and the total number of sittings (initial and retakes) can be adjusted by the training provider.
Recommended Academic Background of Trainees
Good knowledge of English Language is required as well as a general educational background of at least secondary education level although studies at university level are recommended. Participant's ability to analyze information and take decisions on the basis of available data will be very supportive for better exploitation of the content and successful completion of the course.
Prior Working Experience of Trainees
Trainees with a working experience in a Pilot Training Organisation or other related experience may be better benefited from this content.
Content Delivery Options
Content can be delivered in one of the following options:
- through elearning platforms (delivered either through AviationEU elearning platform or supplied in Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) standard for use by the customers in different Learning Management Systems (LMS),
- through physical classroom sessions (supplied in digital form for use by the customers through their own computers, visual aids and other infrastructure).
Additional Information